REC – Jupiter Publications Consortium Best Publishing House in India Sat, 02 Sep 2023 12:44:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 REC – Jupiter Publications Consortium 32 32 221206694 Research and Innovation in Biomedical Engineering Tue, 25 Jul 2023 11:42:35 +0000 Editors: Dr. R. Ramachandran Dr. S. Sudha Dr. A. N. Nithyaa ISBN: 978 -93 -91303 -68 -6 DOI: Volume: I Edition: First Published by: Jupiter Publications Consortium. Printed by: Magestic Technology Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright @2023. All rights reserved.]]> PREFACE

Welcome to the International Conference in Research and Innovation in Biomedical Engineering RIBE2023. In the recent past, there are lot of research and developments happening in medical instrumentation and devices. These equipments are periodically updated with technologies like digital miniaturization, automation, remote access etc. In this aspect RIBE2023 provides a platform to bring in various expertises working in biomedical related science and technologies.

Research and Innovation in healthcare not only help in better diagnosis and treatment but also improve the life quality especially among physically challenged people. In globally connected times, it is much more essential to know the technological updates and present clinical requirements. So this conference has now attracted 200 papers from research organizations in India and overseas. We had reviewers from reputed institutes and research organizations. We have also imminent keynote speakers and invited papers from subject experts.
The various sessions of this conference will discuss topics related to bioinstrumentation, assistive technologies, modelling informatics, information technology, signal and image processing related to biomedical applications. The papers range from research short communication to review the state of art.

I, on behalf of the entire RIBE Team express my sincere gratitude to all our participants, reviewers, panel members, keynote speakers, students and faculty members belonging to various committees. It is our pleasant duty to acknowledge the financial support extended by the management REC.

Dr R. Kalpana
Chair- RIBE 2023

How to Cite the Edited Book

Ramachandran, R., Sudha, S., & Nithya, A. N. (Eds.). (2023). Research And Innovation In Biomedical Engineering (1st ed.). Jupiter Publications Consortium. ISBN: 978 -93 -91303 -68 -6

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